Another Successful Audit from Achilles – February 2014

Another Successful Audit from Achilles – February 2014

A.P. Broome Landscapes are proud to announce that we sailed through another Verify B2 Site Visit Audit from Achilles with flying colours, improving our overall pass rate to an average of 95% across the three assessment categories. The ‘Achilles Audit’ is designed to provide a trusted, independent assessment of a supplier’s true capabilities and we were recently examined in terms of our adherence to Achilles’ high Health and Safety, Environmental and Quality standards. The seal of approval from Achilles is a widely recognised and highly sought after qualification that sets us one step above our competitors, and allows us to count some of the UK’s largest organizations amongst our clientele.  This year’s fantastic audit results merely reiterate the dedication to high quality service that has always been a staple of the A.P Broome Landscapes ideology. You can read what HSQE Manager Victoria Green said about our results below:

Our Verify B2 Site Visit Audit was completed on 5th February 2014.
Health & Safety                 –              97.8%
Environment                      –             91.3%
Quality                                 –            95.7%
Our assessment scores this year are the highest we have ever received.
Well done to Paul Mullen, Troy Carsley & Tom O Hara who were the team representing the company, and to all of our operational field who continue to deliver an excellent service to our clients. These outstanding results are an official recognition of our commitment to deliver safe working practices and to minimise the impact of our activities on the environment.