Category Archives: News

A big well done to Alex Oakley, Dylan James and Mike Nicholls! They recently travelled down to the Wessex Area to present our plans for 2017 and demonstrate our current Client Portal to the directors and area managers of one of our contracts.

The turf has arrived for our latest Small Contracts Departments project, at the National Football Museum on behalf of Manchester City Council.

We want to say a big thank you to Myerscough College for choosing A.P. Broome to be the business the students learn about as part of their NVQ's in Horticulture/Arboroculture! [us_separator type="invisible" size="small"][us_single_image image="7481"]

Our team attended a Sustainability Conference yesterday.  They delivered a market stall on Pernicious Weeds, letting our clients know what to look out for and the best practice treatment methods. A.P. Broome Landscapes was voted the best market stall of the day, so a big congratulations to everybody involved.

A.P. Broome are proud to be the principal sponsor for the North West in Bloom awards for 2016. We would like to say a massive thank you to our very own Jess Duckworth for handing out the awards on behalf of the company, Steve Graham for organising everything and to Nick Heavyside, Heather Lugsden and Julie Magee for manning the A.P. Broome stall.

Before and after pictures of an over grown site, a big well done to Phil Evans, Phil James and Darren Wilding. They want to say a big thank you to a nearby neighbour, who supplied our team with tea, coffee and biscuits and said it is the best the site has looked in 50 Years! [us_separator type="invisible" size="small"][us_gallery ids="7496,7495" columns="2" indents="1"]

A.P. Broome Landscapes held our first Family Fun Day at the Walmer Bridge Village Hall.

A.P. Broome are proud to announce our Sponsored football Team have won the Cup!  A tough game going to penalties but a brilliant win from them. Well done to all of the team!

It’s the first day of work with the new contract, in the south of England.  It was lovely to finally meet our new team and put a face to everyone's name. [us_separator type="invisible" size="small"][us_single_image image="7489"]