Author Archives: apbadmin

A massive well done to A.P. Broome Staff for completing Tough Mudder UK. Lauren Adele Finch completed one of the toughest events worldwide in support of the Motor Neurone Disease Association. Tony Watson and Leon Symak organised their own team building event and completed the 10 – 12 mile obstacle race.

Our Area Officer Adam Williams has received a Certificate of Recognition for his Proactive approach to identifying hazards and commitment to Health and Safety. Adam has reported a total of 86 Hazards and 10 near misses within the first few months of 2017. He has shown a positive attitude towards the heath and safety by having this positive attitude he’s potentially prevented 96 accidents or incidents! Well done Adam, very well deserved. Read on Facebook

We have new staff and new kit ready to start the works now on our recently awarded Bristol Water Contract.  In the photograph we have Mark Cope, Jason Gardner and Jamie Rose with their contract manager Alex Oakley, exciting times ahead for this contract.

A.P. Broome Landscapes would like to acknowledge the efforts of two of our Operatives in their actions on Thursday last week. Lee Francis and Michael White witnessed a serious road traffic accident whilst travelling between client sites in the Derbyshire area.  They were quick to provide first aid and comfort to the injured drivers before emergency services could attend the scene. This highlights the importance of the efforts we make to provide the best possible training to our staff.  It’s events like these where we see a direct impact outside of the working world.

A big well done to Alex Oakley, Dylan James and Mike Nicholls! They recently travelled down to the Wessex Area to present our plans for 2017 and demonstrate our current Client Portal to the directors and area managers of one of our contracts.

The turf has arrived for our latest Small Contracts Departments project, at the National Football Museum on behalf of Manchester City Council.

We want to say a big thank you to Myerscough College for choosing A.P. Broome to be the business the students learn about as part of their NVQ's in Horticulture/Arboroculture! [us_separator type="invisible" size="small"][us_single_image image="7481"]

Our team attended a Sustainability Conference yesterday.  They delivered a market stall on Pernicious Weeds, letting our clients know what to look out for and the best practice treatment methods. A.P. Broome Landscapes was voted the best market stall of the day, so a big congratulations to everybody involved.

A.P. Broome are proud to be the principal sponsor for the North West in Bloom awards for 2016. We would like to say a massive thank you to our very own Jess Duckworth for handing out the awards on behalf of the company, Steve Graham for organising everything and to Nick Heavyside, Heather Lugsden and Julie Magee for manning the A.P. Broome stall.
